H Gaur Classes is always inspired with the vision and ideas of the H. Gaur Sir Who is always an inspiration to many students. Here are few words to all the students and parents as they have always shown trust in H Gaur Classes.
Hariom Gaur
Director - H Gaur Classes
+91 - 852 937 5640
A-474, Near Shiv Jyoti School, Indra Vihar, Kota (Rajasthan). Pin - 324005
Dear Students and Parents,
We would like to express our gratitude to all the parents and student who has shown trust in us which motivates our team to work for the welfare and success of the students.
To our students, we impart value-based career education, abundant resources, and individual attention. To the parents, we have a responsibility to nurture ethical and responsible career leadership in the children. To the society, we provide a lifelong connection to ethics and excellence in global leaders.
We focus on building a strong foundation of knowledge and concepts in students for their success and provide an excellent platform for the preparation of competitive exams as per latest exam pattern. The best academic support and personal care which we provide to the students, helps them meet their career goals and objectives.
We are always proud of our students and always wish success and good health to all the students as well as happiness in their life.
Best Regards
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.