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Terms & Conditions

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These present Terms and Conditions for Use of H Gaur Classes & e-Learning App (‘T&C’) constitute and form part of the Software License Agreement and any other agreement or contract with H Gaur Classes. Any party engaging with, accessing, adopting or in any manner using the platform H Gaur Classes E-Learning App, hereby agrees to conform to these T&C, and shall be bound by its conditions and covenants.

Terms and Conditions Applicable

For the purpose of these T&C, a Student’ shall be a Client/Customer of Bunch, whether or not directly engaged with Bunch, who has access to or uses H Gaur Classes App for the purposes of e-learning or online education in any manner.

The Student/Client/Customer hereby agrees to the following terms and conditions for the use of H Gaur Classes services & H Gaur Classes e-Learning App:

  1. The content hosted by the Tutor or the Content Creator on H Gaur Classes e-Learning App is completely owned by H Gaur Classes and is copyrighted by H Gaur Classes. The trademark/ logo/ copyright/ intellectual property is owned by H Gaur Classes.
  2. The validity, veracity and the accuracy of the course, its name, price and the course related description and information is decided completely by the H Gaur Classes and course can be changed or closed at anytime without prior notice to student/ client/ customer.
  3. It is agreed and clarified that subscription to a course hosted or made accessible by a student/ client/ customer for any Subscriber is only possible via online payment through the payment gateway integrated within the app.
  4. In the event that any payment gets deducted from the Subscriber’s bank account and results in any failure, i.e. due to a network error in the gateway or internet banking infrastructure, Bunch shall resolve the issue within 24-48 hours to manually capture the transaction. However, if the Subscriber pays for the course twice or again by mistake, in such cases, the payment gets automatically refunded to the student’s account in seven (7) to ten (10) working days after deducting the taxes, internet handling charges and course processing fee.
  5. Since all the content is completely owned by H Gaur Classes and made accessible to student/ client/ customer, illegal production or piracy of content is not allowed. Anyone found doing illegal production or piracy of content will be liable to go under legal action against him or her subject to jurisdiction of Kota, Rajasthan (India).
  6. The course purchased or subscribed on H Gaur Classes app by the student/ client/ customer cannot be changed as well as course cannot be converted in to other course in any case after course has been purchased.
  7. In case student/ client/ customer found doing illegal activity on H Gaur Classes App or Online e-Learning platform as well as harm to H Gaur Classes he or she can be banned/ removed permanently from using H Gaur Classes services or H Gaur Classes e-Learning app with prior notice and subjected to face legal action against him or her subjected to jurisdiction of Kota, Rajasthan (India).
  8. In case of any technical issue found in online fee payment, such as :
    During the online payment through credit/debit card if the payment gets debited and the internet goes down due to some external server malfunction or any other similar happening.
    The system fails to generate the required acknowledgment due to internet malfunction.
    We shall not be responsible in any case until the course fee paid by student or parent is credited in to the Bank Account of the institute. If credited into our account, the refund policy will be applicable as per the institute norms.
  9. The Video Lectures Provided in The Online Courses of H. Gaur Classes are Exclusively Accessible Through The H. Gaur Classes Mobile Application Only. However, The Online Tests Available In These Courses Can be Attempted by The Students Using Both The Mobile App and Our Web Portal on Their PC/Laptop.
  10. Refund Policy followed by H Gaur Classes:
    H Gaur Classes do not have any option for cancellation of products and/or services you have purchased or subscribed. Once a product/service has been purchased by you, we cannot provide any refund, either totally or partially in any case/situation/circumstances.
    Any request made after purchasing service and/or product no request for refund will be entertained any circumtances.

All Parties, including the Student, Client, Customer and the Subscriber on purchasing the course means that they have completely read as well as fully understood the terms and conditions followed by H Gaur Classes and H Gaur Classes e-Learning app and will abide all the rules and regulation followed by H Gaur Classes. Violating the terms & condition in any manner or contravene such term & condition by student, client, customer and subscriber may lead to suspending/ banning him or her from using H Gaur Classes e-Learning services.

Note: Terms & Conditions can be changed by H Gaur Classes at anytime without prior notice to students, clients, customers or subscriber etc.

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(10am - 05 pm)

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